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Community Asset Vouchers (CAVs) are tradable vouchers on the Celo Blockchain. This guide will help you design and publish a CAV.

The essence of a CAV is to develop a contractual promise that can be offered and exchanged. Ex: If you create a CAV, say called HUGS you could specify 1 HUG is redeemable as payment by either by you or an association you represent for 1 hour of coaching. Another CAV called WAVE could be redeemable as payment for $10 USD of your shops vegetables. Some CAV issuers will sell their CAVs while others will give them as gifts, loyality points or exchange them in-kind. Note that anyone holding your CAV has a right to trade them to someone else or redeem them as payment for your goods or services.

The CAV's ultimate aim is community improvement. When planning it, listen to everyone that may be effected by it.

Here's the process for creating a CAV:

  • About you: : Who's the Issuer creating and publishing the CAV?
  • Naming & Purpose: What's your CAV's name and what can it be redeemed for?
  • Valuation & Amount: How much is the CAV worth and in what terms (e.g., USD or Eggs)? How many CAVs will you produce and what's their total worth?
  • Expiry: When do CAVs expire, and where are they renewed?
  • Customization: Any special features for your CAV?
  • Finalization: Here, you'll sign and publish your CAV on the blockchain.